Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A short conversation with...Nancy Hniedziejko @NancyTeaches

Nancy Hniedziejko

How long have you been teaching?
I’ve been teaching for 29 years! I’ve taught everything from four year olds through the college level. I’m a teacher that loves to learn.

Has your educational philosophy changed since you began teaching?
Absolutely! In the beginning I relied on teacher’s guides and I felt I had to follow every prescription. Now, I follow my students’ lead and incorporate as much project based learning and technology as I can.

Has Twitter and #elemchat played a role in your evolution as a teacher? If so, how?
When I was at my most frustrated point and considered leaving teaching I discovered Twitter. Through my PLN, I was rejuvenated and inspired to learn again. It was as if I were a new teacher again. I am forever grateful to Twitter!

As for #elemchat, with the team of moderators, we founded and continue to moderate the weekly #elemchat. Collaboratively, we help each other (and hopefully others) strive to be the best educators we can be as well as share experiences, techniques and resources. Each week the #elemchat keeps all of us working to continue to grow as educators.

I really enjoy your blog. How do you come up with ideas for posts and does it help you with your teaching?
Twitter led me to blogging. I recently passed my one year anniversary. In this past year I found that blogging helped me grow as a teacher. Slowly, I found my voice and developed more confidence about sharing my passion and opinions about a variety of issues. It is a venue for me to reflect and share my teaching adventures. My posts are usually from a combination of experiences or a specific event that happens during my day. Sometimes when I read another blog, it will inspire me to write. Nothing makes me happier than when someone writes a comment or tweets my post.

(I”m glad you like my blog!)

Nancy Blogs here

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