Sunday, March 6, 2011

A few of my favorite Seth Godin posts, Part 2.


Quote: "You can't be offbeat in all ways, because then we won't understand you and we'll reject you. Some of the elements you use should be perfectly aligned with what we're used to."

"The others... Not a little off. A lot off."

Demonstrating strength

Quote: "Apologize; Defer to others; Avoid shortcuts; Tell the truth; Offer kindness; Seek alliances."

The forces of mediocrity

Quote: "Remarkable visions and genuine insight are always met with resistance."

Make something happen

Quote: "Make something happen today, before you go home, before the end of the week."

It's easier to teach compliance than initiative

Quote: "Schools like teaching compliance. They're pretty good at it."


  1. we recently had an acronym GO RAMS (our mascot) that was at the top of a form to "catch kids being good" the 'O' was for obedience. The last quote reminded me of that.

  2. I like all the above but my all time favorite is:
    "Art is hard. Selling is hard. Writing is hard. Making a DIFFERENCE is hard."
    Thanks for sharing (although I have Seth in my Google Reader :)and read every single one of his posts).
